Thanks For Nothing – Court Rules CFPB’s Safe Harbor For Model Notice Does Not Apply To FDCPA Claims

While most are still recovering from the 11/10/21 Reg. F deadline and the time, effort and expense of gearing up, we all believed that once the work was done, we would have clear rules and a “safe harbor” that would result in fewer silly lawsuits – especially with the Model Notice. Wrong!


FDCPA Takes Back Seat To Collection Lawyer – Court Says Letter To Lawyer Not Subject To FDCPA

What happens when a debt collector sends a letter to a lawyer on behalf of that lawyer’s debtor-client, and the letter potentially violates the FDCPA? According to one court in New York, nothing. 


Confirming What’s “Clear and Conspicuous” Under Reg F - Illinois State Court Gets It!

In a first, a Chancery Court judge for Cook County, Illinois has ruled that an opt-opt notice contained within a collection e-mail satisfied Reg. F’s dual requirements of describing a simple opt out process and providing a clear and conspicuous opt-out disclosure.


Change Your Reg. F Initial Demand Letter? Court Says No Obligation to Use Model Notice

In a contract dispute, not a consumer defense case, a federal trial court in Illinois just confirmed what was suspected but not entirely clear in Regulation F – the CFPB model notice is more of a suggestion than a legal requirement.


Telephone Number Not Matching Your Locale? Court Finds Local Caller ID Strategy Could Violate FDCPA, If Collector’s Address Doesn’t Match Number

Is this the new Hunstein, where a widely used practice generally accepted as compliant suddenly becomes a risk?


The Federal 11th Circuit Rejects Hunstein But The Printer Liability Theory Is Not Dead

Weighing in at 83 pages, including separate majority, concurring and dissenting opinions, the decision was made.


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